The niagara emitter
This is a Niagara system that has two emitters, together giving the desired effect.
One of the emitters displays the bottom toon-styled smoke.
The other emitter is the main one, which shows the tornado rings moving.
This effect was made in the Niagara system in unreal engine 5.
The effect gives off a stylized, toon look.
The shape of the tornado can be altered in Niagara with user-exposed parameters.
The meshes and textures
One of the meshes used is the thick ring meanwhile the other is the sphere.
The textures here are noise textures that are made in photoshop and then imported into unreal.
The materials
The materials play a very important role in this effect.
The main material is from the blue tornado applied to the rings in the Niagara system.
The other material is for the smoke (water splash) effect that is at the bottom of the system.